For those utilizing WhatsApp Communities group chat, there’s exciting news ahead. WhatsApp is developing a new feature that allows group admins and members to create events directly within the chat, making it easier to organize and coordinate activities.
This feature promises to be particularly advantageous for community groups united by a shared interest or goal. Let’s delve into the specifics of this forthcoming feature, exploring its functionality, its benefits, and the timeline for its availability.
WhatsApp is working on the feature of creating group chat events for Communities?
Currently, WhatsApp lacks a feature for directly creating events within group chats. To organize an event, details such as the date, time, and location must be communicated through messages sent in the chat.
Frequently, this information becomes buried in the chat history or obscured by the constant influx of new messages in the group.
With the innovative Group Chat Events feature, both administrators and participants can now organize distinct events directly within the group chat.
How will the Group Chat Events feature work?
WhatsApp has not officially rolled out this feature yet, leaving its exact functionality somewhat ambiguous. However, leaked images suggest that the upcoming app update will introduce a new option, enabling users to create events within specialized community group chats.
- Every event will have its own name
- Description of up to 2048 letters can be written in each event.
- In this you will be able to choose the start date of the event
- Entering the location will be optional, that is, you can enter it if you want or not.
- And the funniest thing is that as soon as the event starts, you will get the option to start a video call.
Fortunately, these community group chat events will be secured with end-to-end encryption, ensuring that only members of the specific community group have access to view them.
Benefits of WhatsApp Group chat events feature
More engagement:Community members now have the ability to organize virtual meetings, set reminders, and plan special occasions directly within the chat. This new feature will enhance community engagement and help maintain strong connections among members.
More active group discussions:Events provide a seamless opportunity for everyone to engage in discussions, debates, or collaborations, fostering a more vibrant and enjoyable community.
Don’t miss a thing:The event creation feature ensures that you never forget significant meetings or community events. Every occasion will be effortlessly remembered!
When will the Group Chat Events feature be available?
However, some reports suggest that this feature could be released by late 2024 or early 2025. Currently, it is accessible exclusively to Beta testers.
The WhatsApp Group Chat Events feature serves as an invaluable resource for communities, simplifying the process of organizing and managing events while improving group communication.